Thursday 27 March 2014

Own Work: London Historical Cartography Version 1-3 March 2014

 Historical Cartography was created by compiling historic maps of the London region, which began with the first arrival of the Romans. This was then blended with local knowledge, archeological surveys, area/street names, road and sewer routes to create a fairly precise map of what the area could have looked like in a time around 200BC, when much of the land would have been largely as it was before iron age settlers had began to alter the land with large scale agriculture. This was done in order to create a true opposite to rationalised architecture and the two were juxtaposed with each other in my future models.

It is worth noting that due to the time constrictions this map was unable to be completed using all sources. The next stage would be to incorporate studies on soil types which would alter the sizing of the forests and marshes. I will do this at a later date and create version 4, which I will take into further study and likely come out with several more refinements.

 Plotting information from the map on three dimension contours on the Thames Valley region

 London's Street Map with what is buried beneath it's surface long ago

Final Version For Masters showing these native environments with a street map overlay to pinpoint the original site context for any given site in the region